Andrew is dedicated to the exposition of the Word of God, for the good of the people of God, all to the glory of God. His love for and commitment to Scripture is not an end in itself, but a means to knowing and loving God that serves as a hallmark of his life. He believes, "People, knowingly or unknowingly, are starving for a life altering, soul satisfying, gloriously compelling view of God that can only be found in the Word of God." To that end, Andrew's preaching aims to serve as a biblical banquet feast for the soul by means of expository preaching, exposing the truth of God in His Word.
Andrew and his wife, Cara, met at Northeastern State University where he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Management Information Systems and subsequently earned his Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Lord has blessed them with six children, one new daughter-in-law, and another daughter-in-law on the way - yahoo! Andrew and his family have a gospel heart for people both inside and outside the church, young and old alike. The family has had quite a journey with the Lord through a variety of ministry assignments, and they are thankful to be parked in Estes and serving the Lord alongside Mountain View Bible Fellowship. We welcome you to join us on this glorious journey as we seek and savor the Savior.